Thursday, July 21, 2005

TIPS & TRICKS: How can I force GPO updates to take effect? How can I force GPO updates to take effect?

This is a more of a tip for things that I do on a regular basis. But feel free to use it as you need it. Here's the steps in a nutshell, without clicking to the website:

Policies are refreshed every 90 minutes (5 on DC's). To force a machine to update the policy use the SECEDIT command.

To update the computer policy type

C:\> secedit /refreshpolicy machine_policy

To update the user policy type

C:\> secedit /refreshpolicy user_policy

Adding /enforce to any of the above forces a reapply of the security policy even if there is no GPO change.

UPDATE: You'll find that running secedit on WinXP will tell you that the new and improved command replacement is gpupdate. In fact, if you don't mind that all Group Policies get updated in the process, run gpupdate by itself and the machine and user will refresh all the associated policies.

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