Tuesday, July 26, 2005

TIPS & TRICKS: "Acquiring Network Address"

NOTE: Modifying the registry, improperly, may cause your computer to crash, not boot, or otherwise malfunction. Take the following steps at your own risk. If you must do it, remember to backup, backup, and backup.


* Constantly trying to acquire network address
* Never receiving an IP address
* Worked before
* Here's the clincher: Just uninstalled Norton Anti-Virus


* Run 'regedit' and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Dhcp
* Edit the entry 'DependOnService'
* Remove the line that contains 'SYMTDI'
* Reboot


Norton AV wasn't completely removed. The service didn't get removed properly with the uninstall because it was still active. Therefore, after rebooting, the DHCP Client refused to start without the Norton AV service that no longer worked properly.

This has been verified for Windows XP Home Edition SP2, running Norton AV 2002.

These following steps may or may not help:

Reload TCP/IP in WinXP with this command: netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
Reload Winsock services with this command: netsh winsock reset

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