Sunday, October 05, 2008

TIPS & TRICKS: Windows Save Usernames/Passwords

For some network connections and resources, Windows has the ability to save the username and password (domain too) to allow access without having to input credentials each time.

However, I've always been a proponent of not having the machine remember passwords for security reasons. This is how to remove it:

1. Click Start and select Run
2. In the Open field type "rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr"
3. Once the Stored Usernames and Passwords interface opens you can select any of the entries and select Properties to view the existing information
4. To remove a saved password you can select one of the entries and select Remove. A confirmation screen will appear. Click on OK and the account will be removed
5. You can add additional saved passwords as well by clicking on the Add button and entering the appropriate information
6. Repeat the steps above as needed to add, remove or edit saved passwords
7. When you are done using the interface click the Close button

I've tested this with Windows XP and Vista. Hope that helps.

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