Thursday, November 13, 2008

RANTS: iPhone Bug Involving Unnecessary Deleting

Awhile back, I was typing on the iPhone on the a note in the included Notes app. I deleted something and found that instead of just deleting the few characters necessary, the cursor went and deleted a bunch of text all at once. I chalked it up to the sensitivity of the screen. The other day, I was doing exactly the same thing, deleting some text. I lost the entire document as a result. I went and searched for other people with the problem and came across this thread on the Apple Discussions area:�

I was able to reproduce the problem every time. Anyone else having this problem?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

RAVES: Less Spam In Our Future?

Could this really be true? Only time will tell. How many of us are willing to let go of the extensive tools we've accumulated to help combat spam just to test the theory? Funny, that I've never fully embraced any of those tools. I've tested many anti-spam tools, but don't use any regularly. I prefer to see the spam and hit delete. I suppose, then, I will be the one see if I get any less spam.

Here's to hoping. Happy computing!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

TIPS & TRICKS: Excel for Mac, Keyboard Shortcut for Absolute References

Many users of Excel have known to use F4 to change relative/absolute references on Excel for Windows. However, as more and more people come to use Office for the Mac, people want the Mac equivalent for some keyboard shortcuts, including relative/absolute cell references. From a student suggestion, the shortcut for Excel for Mac is CMD T. After the reference to the desired cell has been either typed or selected, hit CMD T to toggle between the different ways to make the reference absolute.

Hope this helps someone out.