Thursday, October 04, 2007

RANTS: Windows Vista Wireless Connection

I came across a Gateway notebook running Windows Vista, which has trouble connecting to some access points (it worked on some but not others). I wish I could say that this was specific to this machine, but it seems to be a widespread Vista problem. There are different theories as to the cause, but the symptoms are the same:

1. Windows shows that the internal wireless card is connected to the wireless network.
2. But, machine doesn't receive and IP address.
3. Instead it gets an autoconfigured address beginning with 169.x.x.x.
4. The machine shows its access as "Local only"

I've tried all kinds of resets, including ARP cache, TCP/IP stack, DNS flush, and IP renew. I've also tried disabling IPv6 and the registry hacks documented by Microsoft here:

and configuration settings, also documented by Microsoft here:

A simple search of Vista wireless problems documents the countless number of people having this issue. The machine does connect with other access points, but the one where I need it to work is failing. How long do we need to wait for a fix?

Update: Just came across a new suggestion: disable IPv6.

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